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Introduction to agile project management with scrum 25.09.24 & 9.10.24

Introduction to agile project management with scrum 25.09.24 & 9.10.24


25. September 2024    
9:00 - 13:00


Buchungen geschlossen


Chemnitz – SAXEED – Pegasus Center – 4. Etage / Raum 401


Workshop - english

Our workshop „Introduction to agile project management with Scrum“ teaches you a proven approach for complex projects. Scrum encourages a collaborative way of working and agile thinking to respond quickly to changes. We introduce the three roles of the Scrum framework and show how work is organized in short, iterative sprints. Daily stand-up meetings help keep an eye on progress and solve problems early. Scrum is based on continuous improvement and adapting to change.

Attention: The workshop takes place over two days (25th Sept. & 9th Oct.) in two sessions that build on each other. It is necessary to attend on both days.

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